Rock My Run Feed

Tunes for Tuesday: Blissful Beats, by Rock My Run

Oooh, have I got a treat for you (and me): I put together some of my fave current songs and sent them off to the musical geniuses at Rock My Run, where they turned it into the 36-minute Blissful Beats mix. I've been a member of Rock My Run since it first started, and my iPod is loaded with great mixes at all lengths, genres and occasions.

This mix is pretty energetic and I was dancing around the living room last night when I got the email that the mix was ready. So it's good for dancing, too!

(No, this is not a sponsored post -- I just love this site, which can be used from the Web to download to your iPod or as a phone app for Apple or Android.)

The mix is full of upbeat, happy songs, including "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, "Lightning Bolt" by Jake Bugg, and, yes, "Pom Poms" by the Jonas Brothers.

I think I've featured every one of these songs before here, so in honor of his Super Bowl halftime show, here's "Treasure": 

Tunes for Tuesday: Green Light mix from Rock My Run

I've written about Rock My Run before and actually have a mix of ours on the site, but I want to recommend the Green Light mix. It's 123 minutes of great workout music, perfect for an extra long walk or run or a cardio-weights day at the gym. Here's one of the songs, "Take Over Control," which has my favorite line for working out: Plug it in and turn me on!

Tunes for Tuesday: Love is Gone, by David Guetta

Back when I was doing Jazzercise, this was my jam! (Love how cheesy that sounds). But you know how music can propel you to do more? This song had me dancing like my life depended on it. It's also good for walking and running, and it's one of the songs on Rock My Run's Wogging My World playlist, which I compiled for the awesome site. Go download it, it's free.

(Don't play the video in front of the kiddies; she has a potty mouth in the beginning of it.)

This can't wait 'til Tuesday: Grab our mix!

Wogging mixI've written before about Rock My Run, that great site where you can download running mixes. Well, I'm mentioning them again because we have our own mix! I even designed the "cover" for it.

Live today is my Wogging My World mix -- and you can download it for free. It's a combo of Tunes for Tuesday picks plus a few favorites from my iPod workout faves, expertly mixed by DJ Riggz, aka Adam Riggs-Zeigen, founder of Rock My Run. (It had been called Wog My World but a commenter noted that the word "wog" is an offensive term in some countries, so we changed it. Who knew? Obviously, me.)

Consider it my Christmas present to you! Happy wogging!