Funky Friday Feed

90 pounds down, 10 pounds away ... ?

Well, took a bit of a blog breather during the holidays!

I simply felt like enjoying family time, baking stuff (that I mostly didn't eat) and getting caught up on some work.

Two pounds came off in December, and to be COMPLETELY honest, I was OK with that. Like really, really OK. In the past I would have called out my own B.S. because I would have been disappointed AF and beat myself up for not "doing more." But I didn't work out all that much, ate a surprising amount of Hershey's Kisses without ill effects (something to stash in my slippery slope file) and kept buying smaller and smaller jeans.

So I'll update you on my progress with a series of Instagram photos.

I got thoroughly sick of my hair -- between my half-assed DIY dye jobs, grown-out highlights, regrowth sticking out of my head like crabgrass, and the need to do something completely different.

I wrapped up the year in jeans, but I haven't stopped at a 12. I recently bought a couple pairs of Athleta Sculptek jeans in a size 10 petite ... whaaaaaah??? I can actually zip them up, but I'm realistically around 5 pounds away from them being truly comfortable.

I baked a couple loaves of no-knead bread, which was pretty cool. The first loaf was kinda heavy because I used whole wheat flour instead of bread flour. I liked the second loaf better as it rose better and had a lighter texture. I really don't eat very much bread -- maybe a piece once a week or so -- but I look at baking and cooking as more of a useful arts and crafts project nowadays.

Here's those size 10 petite jeans, and the funny thing about this photo is that I looked at it and thought "No one is going to believe these are a size 10 so make sure the tag is hanging off because you do not look like a size 10." For the most part, I haven't had body dysmorphia but this picture keeps messing with my head. For some reason I feel like I look bigger than I really am.

I spent the weekend at Epcot with a couple of awesome friends: Christine (and her husband, William) and Heather. We ate and drank our way through the world showcase, although my contribution was sneaking sips and bites of everyone else's treats (although I did get a great slice of pizza in Italy and ate around a third of it, and split a chocolate-dipped meringue four ways in France).

Finally saw 90 pounds down a few days ago. Couple weeks later than I wanted, but I am TOTALLY fine with that.

Oh, and before I forget, Julia, you are the winner of the Honey Cloudz sports bra inserts! I'll contact you on getting your info.

It's a funky, get-fit, free Zumba workout Friday

I've been following my "eat what you love" rule but I haven't been doing what I love when I came to exercise.

I've been doing what I think I should be doing, and frankly I couldn't keep up. But while I think the Supreme 90 Day System is a kick-azz workout program and an amazing value, it's just not for me right at this minute, so I'm setting it aside for now.

I was making so many modifications that I was barely doing the DVDs at all. Too much "can't do this, can't finish that," y'know?

I can't do a lot of floor work because of my neck, which I have referred to in the past as the Bad Lego Project.

Now that I've searched through dozens of manila folders full of paperwork, I thought I'd show you what that looks like:

Neck compare

The MRI on the left is what the cervical spine is supposed to look like -- all curvy and clean. The mess on the right is my neck, otherwise known as "military neck." While that sounds all patriotic and stuff, it's not supposed to be that way. You'll also notice some bumpy crap in the front -- those are bone spurs that kink my esophagus and windpipe. If I'm not careful, food gets stuck there. (If you know me, you've probably encountered me choking on something.)

I ain't playin'. This is why I just can't do a lot of things like crunches and Pilates. Every now and then I'll try them and the next day it'll feel like someone whacked me on the back of the head with a baseball bat. Tucking in my chin literally cuts off my breathing.


I look for standing ab routines and workouts that target the core without hitting the floor. That's why I love Zumba -- loads of booty shaking and core strengthening moves done while dancing.

Free Zumba!

Zumba activate I happened to get a couple of Zumba DVDs while at Fitbloggin' last month and I loved it so much I bought the entire set on QVC, so I have spares. It's the new Activate workout DVD from the Zumba Fitness Exhilarate set. Trainers Tanya Beardsley and Gina Grant lead a 45-minute easy-to-follow Zumba workout.

All you need to do is tell me what kind of exercise you LOVE to do.

What workout makes you truly happy? Let me know and I'll randomly choose two winners of the DVDs. Get those comments in by June 20, the first day of summer! It may get too hot to workout outdoors but you'll be able to Zumba inside.

And now, we dance!

Bringing back Funky Friday with Trombone Shorty

Music is critically important to my workouts. My mind tends to noodle all over the place if I don't have something to focus my attention so I make sure my iPod is loaded up with great stuff.

Today, to celebrate my kid the trombonist getting the "Best Band Member in Sixth Grade" on Tuesday night, I'm downloading Trombone Shorty's Backatown album.

Download something fun for your workout!

Support the arts in schools!

Dance around the room!

Peace out!

Funky Friday: It's 'Dynamite' with my favorite baseball player, Cody Ross

Baseball Even though he left the Florida Marlins for the San Francisco Giants, Cody Ross is still one of my favorite baseball players, and he rose even higher in my book with this video. He and pitcher Brian Wilson teamed up with Keenan Cahill, a 16-year-old from Elmhurst, Ill., who has a rare disorder, Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome. Wilson and Ross will be hosting "Dynamite: A Fundraiser for Keenan Cahill" during their game against the Florida Marlins on May 25. So get up and dance with Keenan, Cody, Brian and Lou Seal!

Get Fit Friday: Not stressing, just doing it

I've been a bit busy the past week, working on some extra stuff and trying to keep on top of the housework so I skipped a couple days of exercise.

But I'm not freaking out about it because so far this week I've logged 150 minutes of exercise and there's still the weekend.

I signed up for a 9 a.m. Sunday Bodypump class so that'll be sure to incinerate a ton of calories plus build muscle.

Like I've mentioned before, I tend to make things more difficult than they need to be. I overthink things, read too many scientific studies, get too many diet books, too many DVDs. All I need to do is DO IT!

That was reinforced this week with a post on Roni's Weigh. Roni posted a link to a radio interview with weight-loss blogger Sean Anderson who has lost 275 pounds. The radio interview is really worth a listen. Aside from the fact that Sean works in radio and has a great communicating style, he talks about how he finally found success after he decided to simplify the process.

He also had a tendency to make things more difficult than they needed to be so he devised a Calorie Bank & Trust. He gives himself 1,500 calories a day and can choose to use those calories however he wants -- nothing's off limits. He also keeps his exercise simple -- he started out walking and now completes 5ks and 10ks.

My simple plan today was to lace up my sneaks and simply take a walk around the neighborhood for an hour. No heart-rate monitor, no pedometer -- just me, my iPod and my shades.

On the way back, my "victory lap" song was Past My Shades by B.o.B. I did some running during my walk, so I was feeling particularly bad-ass. So here's your Funky Friday jam with the proviso to keep it simple (and keep it funky):

Funky Friday returns with a Madcon remake fave


Haven't had a Funky Friday since I got over my New Jack Swing phase awhile back, but I happened upon a favorite song that's actually a couple years old -- Beggin' by Madcon.

Actually, the song is much older -- Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons first did the song in 1968 but these guys, who are a Norwegian duo, had a huge hit around the world with their remake in 2008. 

Here's my mini workout advice: Click play, get up and dance your ass off. (The backup dancers in the video have some pretty cool moves.)

Hungry and sore

Hungry and sore.

I've decided that I have to be those two things if I want to see the scale move.

The weeks when I have a slight gnawing in my stomach are the weeks when I lose weight. I think it's my old, shot metabolism. I really don't need many calories -- probably only around 1,300.

And I need to workout at least four days a week. I'm working up to five. Lately I've been making sure my workouts have some sort of resistance training, although today's workout was pure cardio fun. The DVD is called Cardioke and it's led by Billy Blanks Jr. It's super fun and requires singing!

Most of the soreness goes away the more I exercise, so maybe I'll just be slightly hungry and slightly sore.

Here's one of the Cardioke routines. See if you can keep up -- I had to follow the old ladies in the back.