Tunes for Tuesday: La Camisa Negra, by Juanes
3-Point buzzer-beaters: Nighttime snack ideas

Done! Done! On to the next one

No yo-yos
This week finds me once again back at the bottom of the seesaw or the yo-yo or whatever weight-loss metaphor you'd like.

I've been at Pre-Baby Weight three times in the past month, only to take my eyes off the prize and zip up a pound or three.

But this week, we are getting off the seesaw. We're cutting the yo-yo string. We're movin' on down.

Done! Done! On to the next one! (I am bobbing my head to Foo Fighters as I write this, which is totally bad for my neck, but whatever.)

"The next one" is my next goal, which is 5 pounds more.

There is a laserlike focus this week on keeping track of every food that I choose to eat. My exercise habits are good -- my mantra is "more days than not," and I don't go more than a day without working out. I just need to add in more strength training.

It's the food thing and the hunger thing and the habit thing that is the sticking point. Nighttime is the absolute worst. I tried closing the kitchen door last night but the dog got pissed off because he couldn't get to his bowl.

But the Weight Shrink and I came up with a solution, which I'll discuss tomorrow.

(Ooh, cliffhanger!)

Until then, bang your head:
