December 2010
Pick a diet, any diet!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Just a selection of what the UPS dude has dropped off.
This time of year is busy-busy-busy for people who write about weight loss, which I do over at I do my third-person objective journalist thing over there and save the first-person fun for the blog. (And to keep things even more kosher, I do reviews at Shrinking Sisters Reviews.)
Inundated with new weight loss plans, my head spins. All those books in the photo above are well-researched, reputable, non-crazy ways to lose weight. All will work, I'm sure, if you read and follow their plans. That doesn't even mention the flood of press releases from all the food, DVD, program and clothing people pitching their brand of hope for New Year's resolutions.
So which path do I choose for Jan. 1? My resolution for 2011, if you didn't already see it, is to NOT have weight loss be my 2012 resolution.
And then, I get a phone call from my sister.
(To see what she and I will be doing, you'll need to click over to Shrinking Sisters Reviews.)
Good luck with whatever you choose for 2011 and let's keep sharing our successes right here.
Happy New Year from Gail, Carol & Laura
Forget Jan. 1: Start your resolutions now!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Jan. 1 means nothing to me.
In the whole "turning a new leaf" thing, my resolution day is Dec. 26, the day after Christmas (and I would have shared that with you on Dec. 26 if I hadn't been waylaid by a Christmas cold).
It just makes more sense. It's a much more pragmatic start. Why kick around aimlessly for another week waiting to resolve your ways?
The day after Christmas is the Big Day of Resolutions (or Big Day of Regret, depending on how naughty you 've been). You've got your goodies and your gadgets. You've got your inspirational guilt if your mother purchased something for you in a size large. The festive cookies, holiday meals and baking bonanzas are all behind you (and, on your behind, if you partook too much, which I totally do every year).
So, Dec. 26. That's MY resolution day. I'm capitalizing on that Christmas joy to help keep me positive and focused.
What am I resolving to change? My job status, for one. Here's to viable non-underemployment in 2011! Also, to apply some serious thought to Project 150 ... and succeed.
For now, I'll start with the positive. I can positively resolve that for the next 11 months: no more gingerbread, no more candy canes, no more mashed potatoes with gravy, no sweet potatoes drizzled with butter and cinnamon sugar.
My happy new year starts now! How about you?
Get fit Friday: My resolution, one more time!
Friday, December 24, 2010
I'll keep this one short and sweet. I was going to post this on Twitter but that's too fleeting. I need to really put this out into the universe and make it stick:
My New Year's resolution for 2011:
Not to make "lose weight" a resolution for 2012!
Wordless Wednesday: Carnival food breakfast? Yeesh.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It's Monday, and time for another vlog, cowpokes!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Carol and I happened to be near a webcam this weekend so we put together this ridiculous little video update. Carol has another update of her own on Shrinking Sisters Reviews that sets to music her office holiday offerings.
Sorry the post is a little late. Today was such a Monday: Phone is out and DSL is spotty so I got up early and dragged the kid to Starbucks to work. After that we hopped in the car, which had a dead battery. After a new battery and buying a toilet at Home Depot (Merry Christmas, family!), I came home in time to watch my dog grab my lunch and drag it into the dining room.
But hey, it's almost Tuesday and the plumber's coming!
Check out Shrinking Sisters Reviews for my latest post for The Daily Dose of Well-Being sponsored by The Laughing Cow and BlogHer. I'm one of 18 bloggers who are writing every month on the foibles of living a healthy life. Also, visit The Daily Dose of Well-Being hub to read helpful content each day and for weekly chances to win $100 at the “Play For Laughs” game. If you share a really great tip, they may even use it in The Daily Dose.
Funky Friday: Happy Birthday, Laura!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Yes, it's Shrinking Sister Laura's birthday, so here's a very preppy New England birthday tribute to you from Vampire Weekend, and HERE'S Laura's first article for Halogen TV, so check it out, everyone:
Wordless Wednesday: This ballerina is chubby?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I've got your sugarplum right here, Mr. Dance Critic:
Motivation Monday: It's a vlog!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holy moly, this thing took forever to upload. I gave up on YouTube after three failed attempts so here's our weekend blather from Vimeo. I was going to post this Saturday but technology wasn't cooperating.
Haven't stepped on the scale this week; I've had some sort of stomach thing and I never know how that will affect the numbers. Perhaps I'll skip this week and trudge on 'til next week. Anyway, the video:
Shrinking Sisters December Vlog from Gail Gedan Spencer on Vimeo.
Check out Shrinking Sisters Reviews for my latest post for The Daily Dose of Well-Being sponsored by The Laughing Cow and BlogHer. I'm one of 18 bloggers who are writing every month on the foibles of living a healthy life. Also, visit The Daily Dose of Well-Being hub to read helpful content each day and for weekly chances to win $100 at the “Play For Laughs” game. If you share a really great tip, they may even use it in The Daily Dose.
Project 150 update: Down 2 pounds last week
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Right after I wrote Monday's post announcing our new Project 150 initiative, I cautiously stepped on the scale, and to my relief I was back in the 30s again. Week 1 of Weight Watchers' new PointsPlus plan took off 2 pounds, which was just the motivation boost I needed.
Here's where things get tricky.
This is the point on the scale where I usually bounce back up. I think it's a "set point" weight for me and I have to really crank things up so I can bust the plateau.
I'm going to have to "nose to the grindstone" it and really stay good on the eating and exercise plan. It's been cold (for Florida) out so the outdoor walks haven't been happening because I don't own any cold-weather workout gear, so I've been hitting the Xbox, trying out the new fitness games from Biggest Loser and Your Shape (man, those Kinect avatars are not flattering!).
Both games have provided great workouts, as long as the dog doesn't walk into the picture -- I think he wants to get in on the fun but there aren't any dog workouts in the programs.
I haven't tried EA Sports Active 2 yet, but when I get that one, I'll be writing about all three on Examiner.
I've been trying NOT to step on the scale every morning but I couldn't help myself and stepped on just now. It looks like I'm down another pound so perhaps I'll be jumping off the plateau just in time for the holidays -- best present ever.