I love you, TheraFlu!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm on Day 4 of some sort of flu (swine or otherwise) and because of that I've been swigging down the TheraFlu (at least during the day). One of the ingredients is decongestant, which absolutely kills my appetite. So far I'm down nearly 5 pounds since the weekend, which is great, seeing that it's almost vacation time.
I've been eating my Nutrisystem-D plan faithfully but not eating a whole lot more than the entrees. I know you're supposed to add in fruits, veggies and dairy but I'm just not hungry. I am adding in the fruit, since I figure the antioxidants and vitamins are good for me and because my husband went grocery shopping and got a little carried away in the produce department. We've got a bowl of blackberries in the fridge big enough to feed a football team.
I've also been skipping the evening graze, replacing it with a big cup of decaf tea.
As I start to feel a little better I'm adding back food but still I'm not that hungry. I'm going to use this as a teaching moment to see that I really can stick to the Nutrisystem plan and not feel hungry.