Steak 'n' Shake chili mac aftermath
What I Cannot Change -- lyrics that matter

My pre-workout breakfast energizer: Banana and Emergen-C

Banana and emergenc I used to workout on an empty stomach but found my energy flagging, so I've been looking for the perfect little pre-workout boost.

I've come up with great combo that provides a dose of carbs and energy -- a small banana and a glass of Emergen-C.

The banana provides carbs and minerals, which are lost with a lot of sweating. The Emergen-C idea came about when I had been drinking it and not working out. I found that the Emergen-C left me a bit jittery, so I decided to use that surplus of energy for good by gulping down an 8-ounce glass of water with a packet of Emergen-C (but not the Lite variety, which is vile).

Then after my workout I come back for the bowl of cereal and nonfat milk or oatmeal mixed with a half-serving of vanilla whey protein powder.
