Last night's Biggest Loser: The makeover show!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Over at, I posted a recap of last night's Biggest Loser. It's full of photos, quotes and videos so check it out. Some highlights:
The challenge was truly terrifying. Dangling 110 over a canyon is not my idea of fun, but like usual, Tara won again.
The makeovers were spectacular -- best I've seen yet. They'd been overdone in the past but this year the hair and makeup was subtle and elegant. The guys cleaned up well, too!
The scene with Mikey and his younger brother was really emotional. To hear Max look around and say "now I'm the biggest one" tugged at my heart. How often do we look around a room, a gym, a Weight Watchers meeting and see whether we're the biggest ones in the room?
Check out my recap at HERE.
NBC photo