Funky Friday: Tony Toni Tone has done it again!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Instead of sitting on my butt last night at Little League practice, I laced up the sneaks and power-walked the track for an hour. I didn't think I'd workout that hard or that long but my iPod kept me propelled. I recently downloaded the new Biggest Loser Workout Mix of three CDs onto the iPod. You can get it at iTunes but I found it on sale at Costco for around $15. That's 36 songs for $15!
The music is from Power Music, which means these aren't the original artist. It's the kind of "sound-alike" stuff you hear in aerobic class. But hey, it's close enough, and the music is timed to thump along from 125-130 BPM and to seamlessly flow from one song to another. The three-pack has two volumes of current top-40 hits, such as Just Dance, American Boy and Stronger; the third disc is '80s hits with songs such as Electric Avenue and Don't You Want Me.
I switched from the Biggest Loser mix to my own music and what really got me cranking around the track was a New Jack Swing classic, Feels Good by Tony Toni Tone.
So to kick off the new Funky Friday fixture, here's something for your workout mix: