I'm floundering in a sea of diets!
Friday, January 23, 2009
As someone who writes about diets and weight loss, I'm subjected to a barrage of information, and much of it is conflicting.
So what happens? I don't know whose advice to take and I just shut down.
Which is where I am right now. So I'm trying to come up with something that I can stick with 100 percent, because, face it, ANYTHING'S going to work if you just stick to it.
But what? One of my freelance gigs has me working all morning, so hitting the gym first thing isn't working for me right now. So I have to find the time to fit in exercise. And I have pretty much the entire afternoon to do that, so I just need to pick a time. Just one stinkin' hour. (I just watched a P90X infomercial and was amazed and inspired by those people who only put in, yes, just one stinkin' hour a day.)
What about food? Yeah, what about it? I've been serving my family an assortment of Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones all week because I'm trying to use them up so I can eat "clean" and unprocessed, which I believe will help quell the boredom munchies and increase satiety.
I have a literal mountain of diet books in my office, and I bet all of them work. I just have to pick something and stick to it.
Perhaps I'll do what my former co-worker Laura Kelly did on our former blog The Skinny. She attempted to do 52 diets in 52 weeks. Only reason it didn't succeed was because the blog died before her resolve did.
I'm really trying to hang onto my January 1 resolve but my brain feels like it's being pulled in a million directions (it also doesn't help that I have a wicked case of ADD, so I have the attention span of a 3-year-old. ("oooh, a new diet!" ooooh, a new exercise gizmo!")
My motto has long been "Do What Works for You." So I ask: What's working for you?